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16 Друзей Владимира Путина: 

Аркадий Ротенберг, Борис РотенбергГеннадий Тимченко, Виктор Хмарин, Юрий Ковальчук, Михаил Ковальчук, Сергей Фурсенко, Александр Григорьев, Маттиас Варниг, Валерий Мусин, Валерий Голубев, Николай Шамалов, Михаил Путин, Михаил Шеломов, Обид Ясинов, Владимир Плигин,

Bloomberg о Валерие Голубеве

26 Mar 2009
Ukraine Lawmakers to Consider Increased Naftogaz Compensation

Ukraine depends on Russia for 70 percent of its gas needs. Gazprom raised the price for Ukraine in the first quarter to $360 per 1,000 cubic meters of fuel from $179.50 last year. Russia will charge Ukraine “about $280” per 1,000 cubic meters of gas in the second quarter, Gazprom Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev said on March 23.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2009-03-26/ukraine-lawmakers-to-consider-increased-naftogaz-compensation.html

16 Sep 2009
Marubeni-Itochu May Take Part in Pipeline Project, Gazprom Says

The loan would be tied to supplies of pipes from Japan, Gazprom Deputy CEO Valery Golubev said on Sep. 2. Gazprom is considering the loan and Russian companies would also be able to provide pipes, Golubev said.
ссылка; http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2009-09-16/marubeni-itochu-may-take-part-in-pipeline-project-gazprom-says.html

21 Oct 2009
Gazprom Says Russia Gas Demand to Return in 2013-2015

Total Russian supplies fell 16 percent in September from a year earlier, the most since at least October 2008, according to an article this week by Valery Golubev, Gazprom’s deputy chief executive officer, in the Russian trade magazine Gazoviy Biznes. Gas used for electricity dropped 19 percent in September from a year earlier, according to the article.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2009-10-21/gazprom-says-russia-gas-demand-to-return-in-2013-2015-update1-.html

28 Jun 2010
Norilsk, Sberbank, VTB, Gazprom, Lukoil May Move: Russian Equity Preview

OAO Gazprom (GAZP RX): Russia’s natural-gas export monopoly plans to send Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev to Minsk this week to settle debts over gas shipments transiting Belarus, Interfax reported. Russia owes Belarus $32 million for gas transit shipments, Interfax said, citing Belarusian First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko. Gazprom fell 1.7 percent to 152.21 rubles.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-06-28/norilsk-sberbank-vtb-gazprom-lukoil-may-move-russian-equity-preview.html

23 Nov 2010
Gazprom Lowers 2011 Investment Program 9.8% as Demand Falters

“The investment program should respond to gas demand,” Gazprom Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev told reporters last week in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan. “If today we are witnessing some decline, why increase output, transportation capacity, without having contracts for the gas. So there’s very dynamic balancing going on.”
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-11-23/gazprom-lowers-2011-investment-program-to-816-4-billion-rubles.html

31 Dec 2010
Gazprom, Belarus Poised to Avoid Cut-Off of Gas Supplies on New Year's Day

Prices for Belarus may be reduced by 15 percent in 2012, RIA Novosti reported last week, citing Deputy CEO Valery Golubev. Preliminary talks on a new accord are being held but...
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2010-12-31/gazprom-belarus-set-to-avoid-cut-off-of-gas-supplies-on-new-year-s-day.html

8 Feb 2011
Lithuania Tells Lietuvos Dujos to Replace Its Top Executives

Chief Executive Officer Viktoras Valentukevicius, Chairman Valery Golubev and board member Kiril Seleznev ignored the interests of Lithuania and didn’t negotiate the gas price for supplies from Russia, the Vilnius-based Energy Ministry said in an e-mailed statement today. Lietuvos Dujos said in an e-mail it didn’t have an immediate comment.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-08/lithuania-tells-lietuvos-dujos-to-replace-its-top-executives.html 

9 Feb 2011
Russia Set to Top Helium Supply as U.S. Sells Reserve

To make extraction profitable in Russia, the government must invest in storage capacity and guarantee helium purchases, Korzhubayev said. The amount of helium Gazprom could produce in eastern Siberia is more than the market can now absorb, Gazprom Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev said.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-09/russia-aims-for-top-spot-in-helium-production-as-u-s-depletes-stockpiles.html

10 Feb 2011
Gazprom Quarterly Net Falls 9% on Exchange Loss; Exports Decline

Gazprom Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev said yesterday that exports to Europe may return to the pre-crisis level this year as rising spot prices make competing liquefied natural gas supplies less attractive. The company shipped 158.8 billion cubic meters to Europe in 2008, which plunged to 140.6 billion in 2009.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-10/gazprom-quarterly-net-falls-9-on-exchange-loss-exports-decline.html

11 Feb 2011
Gazprom Sees Gas Price for Europe Rising 15% This Year

European sales accounted for 52 percent of Gazprom’s revenue last year, according to the presentation. Deliveries may return to pre-crisis levels this year after spot prices increased, Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev said this week in St. Petersburg. Supplies, mostly shipped under long-term contract via pipeline, will face less pressure than last year, he said.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-02-11/gazprom-said-to-see-europe-gas-price-rising-15-this-year.html

17 Mar 2011
Lithuania to ask Court to Investigate Lietuvos Dujos Management

Chief Executive Officer Viktoras Valentukevicius, Chairman Valery Golubev and board member Kiril Seleznev ignored the interests of Lithuania and didn’t negotiate a fair gas price for supplies from Russia, the Vilnius-based Energy Ministry said in an e-mailed statement today.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-03-17/lithuania-to-ask-court-to-investigate-lietuvos-dujos-management.html

7 Apr 2011
Ukraine Seeks EU, NATO Ties, Pledges Cooperation With Russia

Membership of the organization would entail annual savings of $8 billion on fuel purchases for Ukraine, which relies on Russia for more than 50 percent of its natural-gas needs, OAO Gazprom Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev said today.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-07/ukraine-seeks-eu-nato-ties-pledges-cooperation-with-russia-1-.html

7 Apr 2011
Gazprom Says Ukraine Gas Bill May Drop $8 Billion in Union

Ukraine would benefit from buying gas at Russian domestic prices rather than rates linked to European prices, Gazprom Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev said today at an energy forum in Moscow. The potential savings are based on purchases of 40 billion cubic meters of gas a year, he said.
ссылка; http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-04-07/gazprom-says-ukraine-may-save-8-billion-a-year-in-customs-union.html

21 Nov 2011
Gazprom to Sign Gas Accord With Belarus Nov. 25, Interfax Says

The agreement will cover supplies to Belarus starting next year and Gazprom’s purchase of 50 percent of Beltransgaz, the country’s gas pipeline network, the news service reported from Gatchina in Russia’s Leningrad region. Gazprom already owns half of Beltransgaz.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2011-11-21/gazprom-to-sign-gas-accord-with-belarus-nov-25-interfax-says.html

9 Feb 2012
Gazprom Gas Exports to Europe at Highest This Winter, IFX Says

Gazprom Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev said peak consumption has passed, Interfax reported. To contact the reporter on this story: Anna Shiryaevskaya in Moscow...
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-09/gazprom-gas-exports-to-europe-at-highest-this-winter-ifx-says.html

20 Feb 2012
Gazprom to Keep 2012 Gas Output at Last Year’s Level, RIA Says

OAO Gazprom (GAZP) plans to keep natural- gas output this year at about the same level as last year, RIA Novosti said, citing Deputy Chief Executive Officer Valery Golubev.
ссылка: http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-02-20/gazprom-to-keep-2012-gas-output-at-last-year-s-level-ria-says.html

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